有关“拗口”的词语 hard to pronounce; awkward-sounding; twist the tongue; “拗口”相关的短语 拗口的 crackjaw 也拗口 Too Mouthful 拗口令 tongue twister “拗口”的英文翻译是什么?例句分享 避免写那些短而拗口和长而散落,包含不止一个主旨的句子。 Avoid short, bumpy sentences and long straggling sentences with more than one maid ideas. 华尔街的人觉得这名字很拗口,联邦,国民,抵押,贷款,协会,所以给它起了个昵称,房利美,这听起来像个女性名字 People on Wall Street found that difficult to say -Federal National Mortgage Corporation- so they nicknamed it Fannie Mae; it sounds like a woman's name. 看了这篇文章的人还看了下面这些文章 Seize the opportunity to success!