“淡定”——这句我们常常挂在嘴边的说,换英文说的话要要怎样表达呢? 网络释义 Composure calm Equilibrium unruffled Keep your hair on 网络热词“淡定”用英文怎么说?双语例句分享 “如果我要拧断你的脖子,你还能有多淡定?” 里穆尼说道。 “How calm would you stay if I broke your neck?” says Rimney. 淡定点!我们有足够的时间赶到机场。 Keep your hair on! We've got plenty of time to get to the airport. 这是一条有关猫的全世界通用的真理:它们在任何地方都可以像老板一样淡定。 There is a universal truth about cats: they can comfortably chill out and look like a boss pretty much anywhere. 所有的这些都可能使你精神消沉,动力,抱负和信仰削弱,但是情绪精神上的淡定从容将会预防这样的情况。 All this can dampen one's spirit and weaken the motivation, ambition and faith, but a state of emotional and mental detachment will prevent all that. 淡定,老妈。这东西上看不出有什么损坏。 Keep your hair on, Mum. You can hardly see the damage. 看了这篇文章的人还浏览了下面这些内容