Romantic Provence 浪漫写满普罗旺斯 Provence(PRO-VAWNS) is the southeastern region of France on the Mediterranean Sea. Bordered by Italy on the east, Provence’s diverse topography is characterized by mountains, valleys, beautiful beaches and salt marshes. Originally a Greek colony, Provence was part of the Roman Empire and eventually became incorporated into France in the 15th century. 普罗旺斯是法国东南部的一个地区,毗邻地中海。和意大利接壤。普罗旺斯地形多样,被崇山峻岭,深邃峡谷,靓丽海滩,以及盐沼地形环绕。它最初是希腊的殖民地,曾经是罗马帝国的一部分,最终在15世纪成为法国的领土。 Lavender— the scent and colour of Provence. 薰衣草-馥郁浸润普罗旺斯,紫韵缀满浪漫之乡 The most common meaning of the Lavender flower is Waiting For Love and Devotion. Lavender flowers are also associated with purity and silence. When given as a gift, Lavender flowers represent luck. 人们一般将薰衣草的浪漫花语视为等待爱情和奉献。薰衣草花总会和纯洁和安静联系起来。当薰衣草被当做礼物送给他人时,它代表了幸运。 与其说薰衣草是开在田野中大片大片的紫,是飘在空中的香,不如说是记忆里的东西。陶醉在紫色的花海中,心情温暖而遐逸。你是否也像我一样爱着薰衣草呢? 也许在这个写满浪漫的小镇,会有爱情等着你~ 更多美妙风景在Spiiker,快来必克小窝做客吧~ 英语口语测试 在线学英语口语