“十一”假期即将来临,朋友聚会,喝酒应酬在所难免,如果饮酒后还开车,请放心,总有这样一群比你家人还在意你的人在等你! A man leaves a bar, gets intohis car and drives away. 200 yards further he's stopped by a police officer. 一个人离开酒吧后,开车离开了。走了200码数后,他被一个警官叫住了。 Officer, "Good eveningsir. We're testing drivers for drunken driving. Would you please blow into thismachine?" 警官:“晚上好,先生。我们在对司机做酒后驾车测试。你能对着这个机器吹一下吗?” Man, "I'm sorry, I can'tdo that. I have asthma. If I blow on that machine I will get out of air." 司机:“对不起,我不能这么做。我有哮喘,如果对着吹我会呼吸不上来。” Officer, "Please comealong to the office and we can give you a blood test." 警官:“那请你去一趟办公室,我们可以为你做血液测试。” Man, "I can't do that. Ihave anemia and if you stick a needle in me I will bleed to death.” 司机:“我也不能这么做。我有贫血,如果往我身上插针的话,我会因流血过多而死的。” Officer, "Then you'll haveto get out and walk 5 yards along this white line." 警官:“那么请你出来,沿着这根白线走五码路吧。” Man, "Can't do thateither." 司机:“我也做不了。” Officer, "Why not?" 警官:“为什么不能呢?” Man, "Because I'm deaddrunk!" 司机:“因为我喝得酩酊大醉。” 虽说是一则笑话,希望大家笑过之后,以此作为警示,时刻告诫自己:喝酒不开车,开车不喝酒!一旦饮酒驾驶被查获,丢得可能不只是分数和金钱,还有生命! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 必克英语培训课程,在线英语教育, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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