【中英双语阅读】LV欲收购Tiffany,造就奢侈品三巨头。(关注本站,每天一篇英文简报,了解世界,增进知识) 路易威登(Louis Vuitton)的母公司路威酩轩集团(“LVMH”)正在考虑收购蒂芙尼(Tiffany & Co.)以拓展美国珠宝市场。 Louis Vuitton's parent company, Lu Wei Xuan Group ("LVMH"), is considering the acquisition of Tiffany & Co. to expand the US jewelry market. At 8 am on October 28, US Eastern Time, Tiffany confirmed on the official website that it received an unsolicited non-binding offer from LVMH to acquire Tiffany at a price of $120 per share. “公司正在成功地执行其商业计划,并继续专注于实现成为下一代奢侈品珠宝商的目标。”Tiffany表示,在独立财务顾问(Centerview Partners和高盛)和法律顾问(Sullivan & Cromwell)的协助下,公司董事会仔细审查了这一要约,认为公司股东目前无需采取任何行动。 “The company is successfully implementing its business plan and continues to focus on achieving its goal of becoming a next-generation luxury jeweler.” Tiffany said with the assistance of independent financial advisors (Centerview Partners and Goldman Sachs) and legal advisors (Sullivan & Cromwell) The company's board of directors carefully reviewed the offer and believed that the company's shareholders did not need to take any action at this time. As of midday on October 29, Tiffany had risen more than 31.63%, and the latest share price has exceeded LVMH's offer, rising to $129.72 per share. 必克英语一对一培训,地道英语学习, 推荐阅读: 【中英双语阅读】2019中国最贵旅游城市发布,国庆计划好去哪了吗?