【日常生活英语口语100情景】今日话题:新闻。每天给大家分享一篇日常生活英语口语情景。内含实用常见词汇、短语和重点句型,喜欢的朋友可以点赞留言!(关注本网站,持续更新大量日常生活英语) Words Storm 常见词汇 Daily日报 tabloid 小报 the front page头版 banner headline头号大标題 exclusive news独家新闻 feature特写,花絮 criticism 评论 editorial社论 review/ comment时评 book review书评 topicality 时事问题 city news社会新闻 obituary notice讣告 classified ad分类广告 extra 号外 editor編輯,主篭 journalist新同己者 reporter采访记者 war correspondent随军记者 columnist 专栏记者 newsboy 报童 distribution 发行 newsstand 报摊 newspaper agency报纸代售处 circulation 发行份数 correspondent通讯员 Useful Expressions 常见句型 It's quite a read. (这)很值得一看 That is a tabloid. 那是份街头小报。 Have you watched the news today? 今天的新闻你看了吗? I love the Sunday papers 我喜欢看周日特刊。 .I find it very informative. 我觉得它信息量很大 They don't get much privacy do they? 他们没什么隐私,对吧? l'm sure it’ll be on the front page of alltomorrow's papers. 我敢肯定明天所有报纸的头版都会刊登这条新闻。 It says in The Times that they've found themissing girl. 《泰晤士报》上说失踪的女孩已经找到了 Did you see that really interesting articleabout the new film in the paper last Sunday? 上周日的报纸你看了吗?有篇关于那部新电影的报道很有意思。 The tabloids are full of absolute rubbish. 街头小报上刊登的完全都是些垃圾信息。 I feel sorry for those pop stars. Reportersseem to follow them everywhere. 我很同情那些明星。他们走到哪儿记者们就跟到哪儿。 There are so many sections and usually acolour supplement too. (这份报纸)版数多,而且一般还有彩页的增刊。 200 new jobs will be created in IT, thegovernment announced yesterday. 政府昨天宣布IT业将会出现200个职位空缺。 Nobody has claimed responsibility for thebomb which exploded in central London yesterday. 没有人声称对昨天发生在伦敦中部的爆炸事件负责。 推荐一家固定欧美外教+专属助教的2对1授课模式的在线英语培训给你,课程是根据学员的英语水平和个人需求量身定制的;助教老师全程陪伴监督学习,学员无需约课抢课;月末还有学习报告反馈情况。体验课会帮助学员进行英语测试,地址:【http://www.spiiker.com/daily/?qd=king】 阅读了“【日常生活英语口语100情景】今日话题:新闻”的读者还阅读了: