【小升初面试题目】2019年深圳百合外国语学校英语考试题第四场。(关注本站,持续更新全国各地小升初面试题目,了解考情,为未来铺垫) 小升初面试英语部分一共分为三部分,分别为Part1、Part2、Part3。P1为观赏片段说出书名;P2为英语辩论题;P3为翻译题。正文如下: Part1.观看名著英文片段,说出名著书名 Which one is better to study,online or offline? 正方观点: B、For those students who can control themselves well and study actively,studying online is beneficial for them to improve learning efficiency. D、As a new way,it is more attractive and enjoyable for students to study. E、Diversified teaching benefits to the development of intelligence.Teachers can choose various teaching form in the class. C、Teacher can truly understand student’s learning and help them improve. D、Online test is not standard, and the machine score is rigid. 答案: 山重水复疑无路 , 柳岸花明又一村 以上就是【小升初面试题目】2019年深圳百合外国语学校英语考试题第四场的所有内容,希望对大家有帮助!现在国内越来越重视英语应用了了,掌握一首好英语,不仅对学习和工作都有很大的帮助。 在这里我分享一节免费少儿一对一的试听课:【http://www.spiiker.com/daily/?qd=king】 跟欧美外教一对一学习,快速提高英语能力! 推荐阅读:
A 、Students can save more time.They can arrange their time flexibly and even they can choose a few courses without time limits.
Be in favor of study off line
A 、 It is not suitable for those who have a bad self control.Students may play games while studying,chatting while needed,even cheating while testing!Nobody will be aware of what they are doing.
B 、 Those students, who study offline, have a closer relationship with their teachers and they will actively interact with teachers in the class.
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