标签:自然灾害英语表达 近年来由于全球气候异常变化,各地有不少自然灾害出现。就我们国家来说,地震、台风、水灾都发生了好几起。关于地球环境和资源的保护全球人都开始高度重视起来了,今天就来学习下这些自然灾害的地道英文表达。(更多专业有趣的英语学习尽在: http://www.spiiker.com/brand/?qd=ruby) 地震 earthquake 附赠自然灾害的地道的相关表达 1、raining cats and dogs something that you say when it is raining heavily 倾盆大雨 2、weather the storm If someone or something weathers the storm, they successfully deal with a very difficult problem. 渡过难关 3、fair-weather friend someone who is a good friend when it is easy to be one and who stops being one when you are having problems 酒肉朋友,不能共患难的朋友 更多人浏览了
火山地震 volcanic earthquake
海啸 tidal wave
山崩 landslide
雪崩 avalanche
火山泥流 lahar
泥石流 mudflow/landslide
超级火山爆发 supervolcano
洪水 flood
大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom
海啸 tsunami
暴风雪 blizzard
干旱 drought
雹暴 hailstorm
热浪 heat wave
飓风 hurricanes
冰雹 ice storm
龙卷风 tornado
冰河时代 ice age
森林大火 wildfire