“商务英语”中的一些词汇会比日常英语词汇多一些含义和解释。一些日常耳熟能详的英语词汇放到某个特定的行业就会表达出不同的意思,比如以下词汇: Branch A branch might mean a part of a tree in regular English, but in business English, it refers to a local office. branch在日常英语中指树杈,是树的一部分,但在商业英语中,它指的是当地的办事处。 Date A date might be commonly understood as a romantic outing. In business English, however, it translates to “appointment”. date可能通常被理解为浪漫的外出。 然而,在商务英语里,它意为“工作预约”。 Party A party might refer to a festive event, but in business English, it can refer to a person/group of people involved. party可能是指节庆活动,但在商务英语中,它可以指涉及的一方人员/人群。 同时,还有一些适用于大多数商业环境的词汇。 Management “Management” refers to individuals who hold the responsibility of running a business. management是指负责经营企业的人。 Asset An“asset”is any item that has a given value. asset是指具定值的任何东西。 Invoice An “invoice” is a bill that itemises the goods and/or services provided, alongside the quantity purchased and their corresponding prices. invoice是指一份列出所提供的货物和/或服务,以及购买数量和相应价格的帐单。 Consensus “Consensus” is used when individuals agree upon a proposal, an idea, or an opinion as a group. consensus 是用在一群人同意一项提案、构想或意见。 另外,“商务英语”中还有些行业的专属词汇,这些词汇只适用特定行业领域,并不需要跨领域学习,比如律师不需要了解医生熟悉的术语,因为完全不适用律师所处的行业。 要想在工作中不断前进上升,一定要提高自己的英语口语水平,给自己创造更多可能性,更多机会,这里有必克英语免费外教一对一在线课程送给大家,还能测试英语等级水平,快看看自己的英语处于什么级别:https://www.spiiker.com/richangyingyu/?qd=bqh