英语口语句型:Someone is in the way 有人挡住我(关注本站,持续更新基础英语资料,不定时发放英语大礼包) Someone is in the way 有人挡住我 "in the way"的意思是"在路中央阻碍",它可能是指真实的被阻挡,或是抽象的事物受到阻碍,无法进行某种举动。 1. We can't move. Someone is in the way. 2. Someone is in the way. Let him move away. 3. Someone was in the way. I didn't finish it. 会话记忆 你看见了吗? B: No, I missed it. A: How could you miss that? B: Someone was in the way. 因为有人挡住我。 以上就是英语口语句型:Someone is in the way 有人挡住我的所有内容,希望对大家有帮助!现在英语使用越来越广泛了,掌握一手好英语,对你的学习和工作都很有帮助。 每天跟着小必老师学习专业口语,在这里我分享一节免费英语口语的试听课:【http://www.spiiker.com/daily/?qd=king】 推荐阅读: