古人云“一屋不扫,何以扫天下”,要想成就大事,就应该从一点一滴的小事做起。今天就和大家聊聊做家务,那些我们平时会做,但是可能不会用的英文表达…… 每天都在做的家务,却不知道英文怎么讲?现在一起来收藏学习这些最常用的生活英文吧! 做家务的英文叫做 do chores [t'ʃɔ:z],其他有关做家务的例句请继续往下看: 1. The room is so messy and the floor is dusty. 屋子里太乱了,地板上都是灰。 2. And the bathroom needs a good scrubbing. 卫生间也得好好擦擦了。 3. A maid? And clean the glass of a high building? Isn't theSpiderman? 钟点工?擦高楼的玻璃?那不是蜘蛛侠吗? Dialogue 对话: A: We need to do a thorough cleaning. 我们得搞一次大清扫。 B: Not really. We did a good job last week. 不是吧。上周不是仔细清扫过了吗? A: But we've got company coming tonight. 但今晚有客人要来。 B: What are you planning to do first? 你想从哪里开始干起? A: I am going to start cleaning the living room. 我想从起居室开始清扫。 B: OK, I'll take care of the bathroom. 好吧,我来打扫卫生间。 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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