不知道各位烤鸭们有木有注意到,句子的多样性也是雅思写作其中一个考察重点。因此,句型的丰富变化也是烤鸭们必学的功课,尤其对有志冲击雅思7分及以上高分烤鸭来说,更是一大加分点。 而作为英语中非常重要的一个语法现象,现在分词(-ing)和过去分词(-ed)是提升句式多样性的一大利器,但同时也是学习中的一个难点和易错点。 不夸张的说,搞定了这个简单的语法点,灵活应用,你笔下的作文会变得非常不一样!~ *其实-ing和-ed的用法远比大家所想的多样化哦~ 现在分词 vs. 定语从句 在写作中,现在分词短语常常可以用来替换句中的定语从句,使句子结构更精简,同时也显示你有写出多样化句式的能力。 现在分词既可修饰人,也可修饰物。被修饰的成分可以是主语、宾语或其他名词性质的成分。如: 现在分词: The number of international students coming to western countries increased greatly in recent years. 定语从句: The number of international students who came to western countries increased greatly in recent years. 这里的‘coming’是用来修饰前面‘students’,和定语从句中的 students whocame to 是同一个意思,都是用来描述‘前往西方国家的’国际学生们。 其实是不是并不难?我们再来看另外一个例子: 现在分词: There were over 1000 students studying fashion designing in this college. 定语从句: There were over 1000 students who are studying fashion designing in this college. 同理,这里的‘studying’是在形容前面的1000 students,等同于students whoare studying… 在雅思写作中,转换的使用这两种表达,可以展现给考官看你比较出色的英语表达能力哦~ 现在分词 vs. 状语从句 除了前面提到的现在分词替换原句中的定语从句之外现在分词的另一重要用法是充当状语,通常用以表示原因或时间。 1. 表示原因:相当于一个原因状语从句 现在分词: Staying up late lastnight, he felt asleep in the meeting this morning. 状语从句: As he stayed uplatelast night, he felt asleep in the meeting this morning. 2. 表示时间:相当于一个时间状语从句 现在分词: While constructing thenew residential area, the workers found an old tomb from the Ming Dynasty. 状语从句: While they wereconstructing the new residential area, the workers found an old tomb fromthe Ming Dynasty. 【注】现在分词作状语,表示“在做某事的过程中,发生了某事或做某事。”这时前面保留when,while等连词。 现在分词: Knowing thegovernment’s new environment protection policy, many high-tech companiesstarted developing products that are environmental-friendly. 状语从句: When they know thegovernment's new environment protection policy, many high-tech companiesstarted developing products that are environmental-friendly. 【注】现在分词作状语,表示“一个动作一发生,另一个动作随即发生。” 现在我们来说说-ing 和-ed在做形容词的时候,有什么区别呢? PresentParticiple (-ing) is used to describe something or someone. 例如: "I watched an interesting TV about American history lastnight." "This film is boring.Let's stop watching it." Past Participle(-ed) is used to describe howpeople feel about something or someone. 例如: "I'm interested in American history." "I'm bored of myjob. I want to find another one." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 必克英语雅思培训,固定老师一对一,系统培训, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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